6. Background and justification of the necessity of the project
6. Argumentare si justificare a necesitatii proiectului
6.1. Local environment analisys

6.1. Analiza mediu local

Baia Mare City had been reputing, along time, as well as a zone fraught ores , (we remind: gold, silver, lead and copper etc.) and in the meantime, like a zone fraught in tradition, practice, specific building, monuments, picturesque mounting landscape and with active, hospitable and friendly people..

Baia Mare a fost cunoscuta, de-a lungul timpului, ca o zona bogata în minereuri nemetalifere, (se pot aminti: aurul, argintul, plumbul si cuprul, etc.) si în acelasi timp, ca o zona bogata în traditii, obiceiuri, constructii specifice, monumente, peisaje montane deosebit de pitoresti si mai presus de toate, bogata în oameni harnici, primitori si prietenosi.

The first “treasure”, previously enumerate has begun to dry out and loose it’s local economical value. The extraction activity and process who represented “the engine” of economical and social development in the decades at the end of XX century, has known a drastic reduction of Baia Mare city activities, and has left without jobs lots of people who represented the only income source for their families. Over and above social twitch and social and economical tenseness, this activity has left as a entailment a bad fame of a very polluted zone, the city of Baia Mare has been considered one of the most polluted city of the world.

Prima “comoara” enumerata anterior a început sa sece si sa-si piarda valoarea economica locala. Activitatea extractiva si prelucrarea minereurilor care a reprezentat “motorul” dezvoltarii socio-economice in deceniile sfârsitului de secol XX, a cunoscut o reducere drastica a activitatii in Maramures, lasând pe drumuri zeci de mii de “ortaci” care in majoritatea cazurilor reprezentau singura sursa de venituri pentru familiile lor. Pe lânga convulsiile sociale si tensiunea socio-economica generate, aceasta activitate a lasat mostenire un trist renume de zona deosebit de poluata, Baia Mare situându-se printre cele mai poluate orase din lume.

Searching in internet after keyword Baia Mare is relevant the results :


That succession, the Baia Mare area and Borsa area has been declared by the Romanian Government as underprivileged zone, and has benefit of a special attention in the economical and durable development activity.

Ca urmare atât zona Baia Mare cât si zona Borsa au fost declarate de catre Guvernul României zone defavorizate, acordându-li-se o atentie deosebita în procesul de relansare economica si dezvoltare durabila.

At county, regional and local level the authorities begin to analyze the development alternatives, and all the strategies denote a tourism development and Information Technology and Communication as being a viable and efficacy composition to help outcome the region of it’s economic and social decline (dynamic tourist and ICT activities tables, between 1996-2000).

La nivel regional, judetean si local, autoritatile au început sa analizeze alternativele de dezvoltare, toate strategiile indicând dezvoltarea turismului ca fiind o componenta viabila si eficienta a iesirii regiunii din declinul social si economic în care se gaseste si în prezent (vezi tabelele cu dinamica dezvoltarii turismului între 1996-2000 anexate).

The same way, in the citizens opinion, the tourism and ICT must be developed, that economic activity being in second place in their preferences in the city of Baia Mare, sounding which has been realized with the occasion of the durable development program “Local Agenda 21” launching.

La fel, si în opinia cetatenilor, turismul si tehnologia informtiilor si comunicatiilor trebuie sa fie dezvoltate, aceasta activitate economica situându-se pe locul 2 in preferintele celor chestionati în orasul Baia Mare, sondaj realizat cu ocazia lansarii programului de dezvoltare durabila Agenda Locala 21.

BaiaMare2002, TIC SWOT analysis

Where are we? (SWOT analysis / ICT)


Positive factors

Factori pozitivi

Negative factors

Factori negativi

Internal factors

Factori interni

ˇ Local initiatives (SMEs- it&c) and local administration
ˇ Developed ICT project portfolio
ˇ Human resources (CAD, GIS, CAM, CAE, networking, data base experts).
ˇ Information society development (incipient phase, initiatives)
ˇ Foreign investors in the field
ˇ Virtual presence (Internet) above national average (www pages, ISP, Net cafés, administration)
ˇ GSM, TV, Radio national operators
ˇ Developed media (Cable TV, newspapers, radio)

Initiativa locala si administratia locala

Dezvoltarea portofoliului de proiecte ITC

Dezvoltarea societatii informationale(faza incipienta, initiativa)

Investitorii straini  posibili

Prezenta internetului peste tot(pagini www, ISP,net cafes, administratie)

Operare  GMS,TV,Radio

Dezvoltare media (cablu tv, ziare, radio)

ˇ Lack of massive investments in the Disadvantaged Area (few jobs)
ˇ Lack of cohesion in the field (NGOs) (reduced community participation)
ˇ SMEs fragility (reduced dimensions)
ˇ Lack of educational centres and networks, developed and specialized in modern subfields (e-learning)
ˇ ICT standards not applied
ˇ ICTurban infrastructures inadequately developed for eLearning , eBusiness, eCommerce
ˇ Lack of active university involvement in ICT - practical activities (direct relations with ICT companies)
ˇ Lack of quality related criteria (price criteria) in the public acquisition systems

lipsa investitilor masive in zonele dezavantajate

coeziune redusa( participare a comunitatii redusa)

Fragilitatea SME(dimensiuni reduse)

Lipsa centrelor educationale si a retelelor moderne

Standardele ITC neaplicate

Infrastructura ITC nedezvoltata pentru eLearning,eBusiness,eComerce

Lipsa activitatii universitare implicata in ITC-activitati practica(relatii directe cu companiile ITC)

Lipsa calitatii(in criteriul costului) in sistemul public de achizitie.

External factors

Factori externi

ˇ Disadvantaged area - legislative facilities
ˇ Globalisation
ˇ Geographical location (Ukraine, Hungary)
ˇ Low competition from the neighbouring cities (Satu Mare, Bistrita, Zalau, Ivano-Frankivsc, Sighet)
ˇ Permanent ICT events, regional level: Cerf Maramures, Castanet (Chestnut Holiday on the Internet), regional Cisco l Academy_CCD, NORD-CAD Centre
ˇ International ICT events: multimedia camp, ThinkQuest
ˇ Portfolio of local projects with ICT elements: Millennium III Business Center, MiRA, TiSA
ˇ Liberalization of telecommunication market (1 January 2003)

Zona dezavantajata-facilitati legale


Localizare geografica(Ucraina, Ungaria)

Competie slaba din partea judetelor invecinate

Evenimente permanente ITC la nivel regional

Evenimente internationale ITC

Portofoliul proiectelor locale cu ITC

Liberarizarea  pietei telecomunicatiei(ianuarie 2003)


ˇ Massive emigration of young people (brain drain) as well as of the adult generation
ˇ Globalisation (migration of financial and human capital)
ˇ Migration of potential to Cluj University Centre nearby
ˇ Externalisation of profits resulted from the local private ICT education, low private investments in ICT education
ˇ Unsustainable development of ICT activities in the area (lack of competitiveness)
ˇ Ageing of ICT due to the exponential evolution in the field
ˇ Accumulation of specific waste (monitors, carcasses, keyboards) not fully recyclable at the local level
ˇ Specific Risks - Phenomena: y2k, computer viruses, increased (disloyal) competition


Migrarea populatiei tinere, dar si a populatiei adulta

Globalizarea(migrarea capitalului uman si financiar)

Migrarea potentialului la Universitatea din Cluj

Externalizarea profitului realizat de ITC local, investitii private mici in ITC

Nesustinerea activitatilor ITC in zona(lipsa competivitatii)

Imbatranirea ITC in zona datorita scimbarilor rapide din acest sistem

Acumularea de deseuri specifice(monitoare, carcase) si nereciclarea lor in totalitate in zona

Riscuri specifice-Fenomene: y2k, viruse, cresterea competivitatii neloiale


ICT strategic levels (objectives and PLA2002-2004) : Support and added value activities integrated in urban development activities: information and communication technology

Strategic objectives /
strategic segment

Obiective strategice

Action guidelines

Citizens' cohesion /

Solidaritatea cetatenilor
Citizens' access and participation to INFORMATION and


Accesul si participarea cetatenilor la informare si cunoastere



Strategic Level (economic and social cohesion by means of ICT)
ˇ Public participation in electronic local administration

Nivel strategic(coeziune economica si sociala prin ITC)

Participare publica la administratia locala electronica

Tactic Level (Development plan of public information and communication through ICT

Nivel tactic(Plan de dezvoltare a sistemului public bazat pe informatie si comunicareprin ITC
ˇ Development plan of the Local Authorities - Citizen relation

Plan de dezvoltare al relatiei Autoritatilor Locale cu cetetenii

Project Level
ˇ Urban development projects ensuring access to modern ICT
ˇ ICT Centres for citizens (information, digital display, eKiosk)
ˇ ICT networks for citizens and NGOs (CityCibernet)
ˇ Projects (actions) for young people (modern contests), educational events (Multimedia camps), "castanet" events, "Cerf MM" exhibitions, etc.

Nivelul  de proiectare



Public Private Partnership

Puterea orasului

Parteneriat public-privat

Strategic Level
ˇ Electronic local administration
ˇ E_Economy (Development of information and knowledge-based economy)

Project Level
ˇ Initiation and implementation of development ICT projects:
ˇ Business centres, industrial and technological ICT parks
ˇ Local, regional, national, international business networks
ˇ Centres of technological development and ICT know-how transfer

Sustainable Development

An information society

Sustinerea dezvoltarii

O societate bazata pe informatie
E_Baia Mare

Strategic Level
ˇ Information and knowledge based society

Tactic Level (Development plans for the information society)
ˇ Urban ICT infrastructures (voice, data, Internet communications)
ˇ ICT education (multimedia campus, eLearning City)

Project Level
ˇ Expansion of the urban development and modern learning network "EduTECH"
ˇ Expansion of the wireless communication infrastructure CityNET 2
ˇ Expansion of the urban communication network (optical fibres) MiRA
ˇ Development of a community e-learning system (Cer MM)


Citizens opinion about trends in future development :

Status of domestic (local) TIC equipment and access to the internet is presented in : http://www.baiamarecity.ro/stare%20sociala%20html/sondaj.htm

The national TOP2001 of information technology and communication at national level put Maramures Industry in position 10,


Topul national 2001 al comunicarii si tehnologiei informationale pune industria maramureseana pe locul 10.

6.2. The link , inmtegration and complementarity with others infrastructure projects and UE projects

6.2. Legatura, integrarea sau complementaritatea cu alte proiecte de infrastructura si cu alte programe ale Uniunii Europene

Legatura , integrarea si complementaritatea proiectului SoftVilalge este directa cu proiectele :

din zona Centrului Vechi Centrul de Afaceri MillenniumIII , PHARE 2001 SIF , RO 0101.09 , proiect de reabilitare si reinvigorarea a activitatii economice Baia Mare

Business center MillenniumIII, PHARE 2001 SIF, RO 0101.09, project of reabilitation and resurraction of economic activity in The Old Center of Baia Mare.

Luna Ses Borsa , infrastructura de turism finantata prin PHARE 2002 , legatura –drumul de acces SoftVillage-Ulmoasa urmarind integrarea in zona turistica Luna-Ses Baita si largirea pietei regionale de turism

Luna Ses Borsa, tourism infrastructure financed by Phare 2002, the link- acces road Soft Village-Ulmoasa, the project target is integration in touristic area Luna Ses Baita and improvement of tourism regional market.

CityNET , retea de comunicatii de mare viteza (wirelles) finantat prin FND , retea a a carei madel si extensie va fi implementata si in SoftVillage

CityNET, wireless comunication network, finaced by FND, this kind of network being implemented even in Soft Village .

proiectele TVET , prin care la 4 licee din Baia Mare se vor fundamenta curucule pentru invatamintul vocational – tehnicieni in tehnologia informatiei si comunicatiilor ( operator multimedia, operator GIS, operator design si modelling CAD)

TVET projects, through which 4 highschools in Baia Mare will develop vocational education-technitions in information and comunication technology( multimedia operator, GIS operator, design operator and modelling CAD)

6.3. Justificarea relevantei pentru diversitatea economica si cresterea atractivitatii pentru investitii private in zonele de restructurare industriala :

6.3. Justification for economic diversity and for the increase of privat investments in the industrial areas:

Zona Ferneziu- Romplumb fiind una din cele mai poluate din Europa, si-a pierdut atractivitatea pentru investitii , inclusiv in domeniul privat-domestic.

Ferneziu- Romplumb area, being one of the most polluted in Europe, lost interest for investments even in privat-domestic domain.

Lipsa de investitii simple , inclusiv in locuinte a dus la degradarea completa a celei mai pitoresti zone a mun. Baia Mare , cu efecte si asupra atractivitatii intregului oras pentru investitori.

Lack of simple investments,including houses was followed by complete degradation of the most pitoresque area of Baia Mare and also had a bad influence on atraction of investors in the whole town.

In perspectiva dezvoltarii mun. Baia Mare acesta zona este singura in care

Exista terenuri disponibile , atit private cit si in proprietatea Consiliului Local Baia Mare , zone care au nevoie de o schimbare de imagine si de o viziune de ansamblu.

In expectation of Baia Mare development this is the only area with available terrain, private as well as in Baia Mare Local Council propriety, areas that need a real image and vision change.

Diversificarea industriei miniere si metalurgice cu industrii moderne TIC precum si cu idei de valorificare a potentialului imens din zona (Lac de acumulare, cariere de bazalt, zona de ski, padure , etc) este OBLIGATORIE , mai ales in contextul strategiei Ministerului Industriei de reducere majora a activitatilor din minerit si metalurgie , activitati in care sunt agrenati 90% din locuitorii cartierului Ferneziu..(Romplumb, Mina Herja , RGB Phoenix).

The varing of mining and metallurgic industry with modern TIC industry and with intentions of capitalizations of area’s great potential(accumulation lake, basalt qualy, skying area, forest etc.) is absolutly NECESSARY. This become necessary even in concordance with Indusrty Department strategy of decreasing mining and metalurgic activities, activities that involve 90% of citezens of ferneziu(Romplumb, Mina Herja, RGB Phoenix)

6.4. Justificarea relevantei pentru nevoile sociale ale zonelor tinta de restructurare industriala .

6.4 Justification for special needs of target areas(areas with industrial reorganisation)

Din profilul regional Nord Vest /2002 rezulta un potential imens de somaj in Maramures , transformabil in realitate intr-un interval scurt de timp.

From Nord West regional profile/2002 results a great unemployment procent in Maramures.

Tabel - Ocuparea in firmele nerestructurate pe judete



Numar de angajati in firme nerestructurate

Number of emploees in unreorganised  firms

Profit/pierderi in firme nerestructurate

(% din CA)

Advantages and losses in unreorganised firms

Rata somajului la 31-12-2000

Unemployment rate

Angajati in firme nerestructu

Rate/ employed in unreorganised firms

% din total populatie ocupata in judet

% county citzens

% din total muncitori in judet

%county workers





































Romania - Evaluare economica, Iulie 2002 - OECD

Acest potential negativ va trebui preluat prin activitati ample , in care forta de munca specializata in minerit sa fie absorvita in alte domenii apropiate.

This negative potential should be solved by vaste activities, in which people specialised in mining will reconvert to other close domains.

Prin proiectul SoftVillage se creeaza premizele unor investitii majore in constructii , dat fiind cele 20 (+80) de ha care vor trebui echipate cu infrastructuri si constructii .

Soft Village project creates premises for major investments in construction because of the 20(+80) ha. Which will have to be equipped with infrastructure and constructions.

O estimare a echiparii intregii zone de peste 100 ha duce la suma de 50-100Meuro in constructiile private (sedii de firme, zona de turism, zona de locuit).

An estimation of the cost of equipment needed in the area(over 100ha) leads to 50-100Meuro in private buildings(firm centres,tourism area, inhabitations)

Astfel un prim efect pozitiv asupra firmelor de proiectare-arhitectura (2002-2003) transmis catre firmele de constructii (santier 2003-2006+) poate duce la creerea imediata a unui numar de cca. 1.000 de locuri de munca in constructii.

In this way a first positive effect for arhitecture-proiecting firms(2002-2002) and construction firms is the immediate creation of 1000 work places.

Efectul asupra firmelor IT si de cercetare-proiectare ar fi relativ minor fata de primul efect dominant pe termen scurt.

The effect on IT and researching-projecting firms will be a minor one.

Pe termen lung forta de munca utilizata in constructii poate fi reconvertita catre dezvoltarea retelei de drumuri forestiere f. bine dezvoltata in areal si catre turism , care ar fi al doilea motor de dezvoltare a zonei , orasului si regiunii .

Later on the work force used in construction could be reconverted to development of forest’s road, activity that could become development area of this region.